Sunday, September 21, 2008

fermented salsa

got alot of tomatoes to use up? heres the perfect recipe with lots of good probiotics for you too!

start with my recipe for fresh salsa.
it will probably make a little more than a quart

in each quart of salsa add 4 tablespoons of whey

and 1/2 tablespoon of salt (nourishing traditions says 1 tablespoon, but its too salty for me)

shake it up with the top on tight and put in a dark place for 3 days (less if its really hot).

you'll know it fermenting when you start to see bubbles at the top.

it can then be kept in the fridge for months at least.

these tomatilloes were from our garden and the rest was from our local organic farm - which is almost done for the season :(
the kids helped me peel the tomatillas!

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