Friday, July 25, 2008

whats cookin'?

yes, i HAVE been cookin! i just havent had alot of time to write about it and im finding that its SO hard for me to write down a recipe! i mean from when i just make stuff up. i was gonna post a recipe for my thai peanut soup so i started writing down measurements but halfway through i forgot! not much you can do with half a recipe!

i finally got my hands on some good cream so i made some real ice cream! yum, it came out good! ive been making kefir, coconut kefir, yogurt and tons of other stuff. i killed my sourdough starter :( and havent started another yet. i want to do some more research first.

my biggest exiting thing is that i grew my own kombucha momma. im so beyond exited about this for a few reasons. i love kombucha of course but also its fun to have a live thing to take care of and watch it grow. also i hadnt heard the best things about growing your own. id been waiting for one from a friend here and was getting tired of waiting so i figured what the hell. im SO glad i tried it. soon im going to post the details of how i did it and some pictures of how it grew.

heres a yummy pictures of waffles i made last week with fruit sauce and whipped cream. (i use the nt recipe)

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